Surveys Share Tweet Welcome to your Rice Purity Test Held hands, romantically? YES NO None Been on a date? YES NO None Been in a relationship? YES NO None Danced without leaving room for Jesus? YES NO None Kissed a non-family member? YES NO None Kissed a non-family member on the lips? YES NO None French kissed? YES NO None French kissed in public? YES NO None Kissed on the neck? YES NO None Kissed horizontally? YES NO None Given or received a love bite? YES NO None Kissed or been kissed on the breast? YES NO None Kissed someone below the belt? YES NO None Kissed more than one person at a time? YES NO None Played a game involving stripping? YES NO None Masturbated to a picture or video? YES NO None Masturbated while someone else was in the room? YES NO None Helped someone masturbate? YES NO None Been caught masturbating? YES NO None Masturbated with an inanimate object? YES NO None Seen or read pornographic material? YES NO None Massaged or been massaged sensually? YES NO None Gone through the motions of intercourse whilst being fully dressed? YES NO None Undressed or been undressed by a MPS (member of the preferred sex)? YES NO None Showered with a MPS? YES NO None Fondled or had your butt cheeks fondled? YES NO None Fondled or had your breasts fondled? YES NO None Fondled or had your genitals fondled? YES NO None Heard of “blue balls”? YES NO None Had an orgasm due to someone else’s manipulation? YES NO None Tried sexting with any stranger(s)? YES NO None Sent or received sexually explicit photographs? YES NO None Engaged in sexually explicit activity over video chat? YES NO None Cheated on a significant other during a relationship? YES NO None Purchased contraceptives? YES NO None Given oral sex? YES NO None Received oral sex? YES NO None Ingested someone else’s genital secretion? YES NO None Used a sex toy with a partner? YES NO None Spent the night with a MPS? YES NO None Been walked in on while engaging in a sexual act? YES NO None Kicked a roommate out to commit a sexual act? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse three or more times in one night? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse ten or more times? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse in a motor vehicle? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse with a stranger or person you met within 24 hours? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse outdoors? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse in public? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse in a swimming pool or hot tub? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse in a bed not belonging to you or your partner? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse while you or your partner’s parents were in the same home? YES NO None Had a threesome? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse with a non-participating third party in the same room? YES NO None Attended an orgy? YES NO None Had two or more distinct acts of sexual intercourse with two or more people within 24 hours? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse with five or more partners? YES NO None Been photographed or filmed during sexual intercourse by yourself or others? YES NO None Had period sex? YES NO None Had anal sex? YES NO None Had a pregnancy scare? YES NO None Impregnated someone or been impregnated in unplanned cases? YES NO None Paid or been paid for a sexual act? YES NO None Committed an act of voyeurism? YES NO None Committed an act of incest? YES NO None Engaged in bestiality? YES NO None Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context? YES NO None Have you ever done a 69 ? YES NO None Been drunk? YES NO None Faked sobriety in front of parents or teachers? YES NO None Had severe memory loss due to alcohol? YES NO None Used tobacco? YES NO None Used marijuana? YES NO None Used a drug stronger than marijuana? YES NO None Used methamphetamine, crack, cocaine, PCP, horse tranquilizers or heroin? YES NO None Been sent to the office of a principal, dean or judicial affairs representative for a disciplinary infraction? YES NO None Been put on disciplinary probation or suspended? YES NO None Urinated in front of anyone? YES NO None Urinated in public? YES NO None Taken a shower/bath with anyone older than 10 years of age? YES NO None Gone skinny-dipping? YES NO None Gone streaking (running naked through a public place)? YES NO None Seen a stripper? YES NO None Had the police called on you? YES NO None Run from the police? YES NO None Had the police question you? YES NO None Got handcuffed? YES NO None Been arrested? YES NO None Been convicted of a crime? YES NO None Been convicted of a felony? YES NO None Committed an act of vandalism? YES NO None Joined themile high club? The “mile high club” is slang for the group of people who have had sexual intercourse on board an aircraft in flight. YES NO None Participated in a “booty call” with a partner whom you were not in a relationship with? YES NO None Traveled 100 miles or more for the primary purpose of sexual intercourse? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse with a partner with an age gap of more than 3 years? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse with a virgin? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse without a condom? YES NO None Had an STD (sexually transmitted disease) test due to reasonable suspicion? YES NO None Had an STD? YES NO None Had sexual intercourse in four or more different positions? YES NO None Time's up Advertisement Latest Trending Entertainment2 weeks ago What is the Biblical meaning of Snakes in a Dream 5 Hidden Facts Entertainment2 weeks ago How to Break Up With Someone in 7 Proven Ways Without Regret Education4 weeks ago Best Colleges for Interior Design in USA 2025 Legal1 month ago 6 Amazing Benefits of Hiring an Offshore Accident Lawyer